Wednesday 28 February 2007


Febuary, 10

I was surprised when Angela worried about her brother so that she couldn't even go to bed. so she needed to count the sleeps for go to bed. so in this happen and thought that Angela has made me think about my younger age.


Febuary, 05

I was confused by character Eddie. Eddie was character that have angela and Angela also love Eddie. but Angela kept thinking about Eddue but Eddie was in story. so I can't understand why author used Eddie for this story even Eddie wasn't in this story.


January, 29

My favorite character was Nathaniel because he was so popular so he had so many friends. also everyone loves him and trust him. so that's why my favorite character is Nathaniel.


January, 26

My favorite part of the book was that after school. Angela wauting for her brother for pick her. but he didn't come. her teacher want her to go with her but she waiting and finally her brother came.


January, 21

I changed my mind after main character (Angela) worried her brother named Nathaniel because he had speech when he was in camp. He told them a lie. so his mother and father talked about his lie.

TRJ #2

Febuary 28

If I make "The little riders" to movie, I will make movie very seriously. so for that I need very serious, and violently. First, I will chose music that start very slowly and quiet. and then the music have to be getting faster and faster. but I don't like the music that change fast. so the music have to change slowly but getting fast. Second, music have to be match with movie that shown. so when the Nazi killing the people or there are fighting, then the music have to be violent. but if the story is shown Johanna and people talk then the music have to be genuineness.


Febuary, 19
Writer's Craft.

This story is during the World War 2 in Netherlands. A young American girl, Johanna Hunter, is stranded in Nazi-occupied Holland with her Dutch grandparents in Kirkendam after her mother is killed. They are forced to house a German lieutenant, Lt. Braun, who happens to find his Captain's methods of psychological warfare disturbing but at the same time, wants to be a good officer. When the evil Captain threatens to destroy "The Little Riders" of the town's clock, the grandparents rally the villagers to save it. Derek de Lint plays one of the villagers who is in the resistance group. In this book there are many imagery. For example, Johanna was sitting on the brothel, she waited for listen to the bell rang from church's click.


Febuary, 28

This book made me feel fearful. because, when I see the Nazi party, I keep feel the video that I saw about World War 2. At that time, I was young so I naver thought about war. but after I saw the things that German did, I feel fearful to soliders.


Febuary, 9th

This book made me think about how bad World War was. because, people couldn't eat and sometimes they can eat one meal for one day. also Nazi killed every Jews, even they are young, baby or old, they shoot. so I feel how the World War bad.


Febuary 6th

First, when I saw the bookcover of the book named the little riders, I saw the Nazi soldiers walked the streets of the other country. So I thought this story is happened by some of colony, Germany controll during the World War 2. I doesn't like groups of Nazi so I didn't like the book but I interested in this kind of book, so I started read.

Saturday 10 February 2007


January, 19,

I thought this book ganna be childish. because I saw the book poster and I thought big brother and little sister ganna fight because in the poster little sister and big brother looking each ohter with hatfully.